
Monday, December 28, 2015

Thursday, December 17, 2015

More Than Life by Whitley

This is my favorite song and it's gotten my through some rough times. I hope it can help you a least a little bit

Quote of the Day

The pain that comes today is here then goes away
Whitley~More Than Life
Pain is here and it really hurts right know but it's not going to last forever, nothing does.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

You are not

You are not a burden, you have a burden to carry but you are not a burden.

A Little Reminder

You owe yourself the love that you give other people

Quote of the Day

"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness" 
Desmond Tutu
Have hope there really is a light at the end of the tunnel

Thursday, December 10, 2015

21 Quotes of Encouragement

  1. Don't lose hope, you never know what tomorrow will bring
  2. Don't lose hope, when the sun goes down the stars come up
  3. The struggle your in today is giving you the strength you need for tomorrow don't give up
  4. Promise me you will remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think
  5. There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunlight or hope
  6. The best is yet to come
  7. You are so much stronger than you think
  8. Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently
  9. You were given this life because you were strong enough to live it
  10. To overcome you must be strong
  11. Everything will be okay in the end, if it's not okay it's not the end
  12. Instead of looking at the hundred reasons to quit look at the thousands of reasons to not give up
  13. There is something beautiful in everyday, the thing is you just have to look in the mirror to really see it
  14. Hey you! Don't give up, okay?
  15. Some of the best days of your life haven't happened yet
  16. The darkest night is often the bridge to the brightest tomorrow
  17. Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one simply remembers to turn on the light
  18. Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest part
  19. This to shall pass
  20. It's remembering the strength that is infinite within us and, not allowing what is negatively "claimed" to be our way of life!
  21. Courage dear heart
I'm sorry it has been so long but I hope that you can still find perhaps a little comfort in this blog.

Please stay strong and be brave. I believe in you.

Quote of the Day

You have come this far, don't give up now.
Nicolas Sparks

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

15 Safer Alternatives to Self Harm (

  • Squeeze ice in your hands really hard – this will be uncomfortable but you will find it has a very similar effect
  • Use a marker pen to draw or write words on the place where you want to cut
  • Snap a rubber band against your wrist
  • Slap a hard surface – such as a wall or table top
  • Flatten aluminium cans for recycling – see how fast you can do it
  • Scream as loudly as you can (into a pillow or cushion if you don’t want to be heard)
  • Punch a pillow, cushion or a punch bag – it may be a good idea to consider learning martial arts
  • Throw a cushion as hard as you can against a wall as often as you need to
  • Squeeze a stress ball
  • Exercise; especially activities where you exert upper body strength like boxing and swimming
  • Tear up an old phone directory, catalog or magazine
  • Play loud music and dance as energetically as you can (use earphones if you don’t want to be heard)
  • Write down exactly how you are feeling in a diary
  • Go for a bike ride or long walk
  • Look after and be kind to yourself; it doesn’t have to be something active. You could try meditation, aromatherapy oils or bath products, paint your nails, massage your hands or feet, watch a film and chill out. Play with and cuddle a pet. Cook or bake.

Be Kind to Yourself

Practice positive self-talk
Here are a few suggestions make sure to add your own
  • I am capable.
  • I know who I am and I am enough.
  • I choose to be present in all that I do.
  • I choose to think thoughts that serve me well.
  • I choose to reach for a better feeling.
  • My body is my vehicle in life; I choose to fill it with goodness.
  • My life is unfolding beautifully.
  • I am confident.
  • I know with time and effort I can achieve.
  • I can over come any challenge
  • Each step is taking me to where I want to be.
  • I am good enough
  • I did the best I could
  • I can make it work
  • I'll give it another try
  • I can handle this

Quote of the Day

Have courage and be kind
~ Cinderella

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Quote of the Day

Just because nothing is happening for you right now doesn't mean that it will never happen
Have faith

Monday, November 23, 2015

Reasons to Stay Alive

1. You have only right now to live
2. Your life is beautiful and precious
3. You are needed even if you can't see it right now
4. You haven't seen what comes next
5. It will get better
6. Nothing lasts forever
7. That feeling that you have that everything is going to get worse is just a symptom
8. You will, someday, meet joy that is better than your pain
9. If you're reading this well this is as low as it gets so from here it can only get better
10. a lot of people have gone thorough this and are willing to help
11. You're really not alone
12. The people you haven't met
13. You've made someone laugh, smile, or just feel better in general
14. Laughing
15. You mean a lot to someone, you might not know it because it could be that person you smile at, the homeless person you say hi too every morning, the waiter you're always polite to, my point is you might not notice what you do for them but they do and it means a lot
16. Things will get easier if you just keep trying
17. Some one will miss you
18. You don't want to become just another statistic
19. You don't want to leave people with the question "why?". No matter how well you explain it or how much sense it makes to you the question "why?" will still haunt people
20. Think of all the good things
21. Fighting your demons until they are tiny and barely noticeable. I say that because they won't ho completely away but they will become bearable and easy to cope with
The probabbly don't all apply to you or mean something to you but hopefully it helpped. Go make your own list with either reasons to live or good things in your life. You are all priceless and no one in this world can change that.
Stay strong, keep fighting, and STAY ALIVE

Quote of the Day

There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in
Leonardo Cohen

Sunday, November 22, 2015


you're important
Don't let anyone ever break your soul. You have to stand up on your own two feet and stand up for yourself. There are those who would give anything to see you fail, but you must never give them that satisfaction. Hold your head up high, and stand your ground.

Quote of the Day

The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow
Stay Strong

Friday, November 20, 2015

Quote of the Day

Your life is not over. Your life is important. Don't take your beauty away from the world.
You are amazing and this world needs you

Thursday, November 19, 2015

 Our Last Night ~ Sunrise (acoustic)

This song got me through the worst days and nights. I hope that it can help you

Repeat This To Yourself

I am amazing
I am strong
I am precious
I am beautiful
I am worthy 
I am priceless
I am wonderful
I am extraordinary
I am courageous
I am awesome
I am perfect
I am brilliant
Things will get better

Quote of the Day

Be strong because things will get better, it my be stormy now but it never rains forever
Stay strong you are amazing!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Quote of the Day

Your value does not decrease based on someone inability to see your worth

You're not alone

I know that sometimes you feel like you completely alone. I understand what that feels like and I want you to know you're not alone. If you need someone to talk to visit

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

101 Things To Do Before You Self Harm

1) Take a deep breath
2) Tear up some paper, and throw the little bits in the air
3) Call someone
4) Drink hot chocolate
5) Sing
6) Throw pillows at something
7) Daydream
8) Put in a Disney movie
9) Lay down and watch the stars/clouds
10) Paint a picture
11) Dance in the rain
12) Have a pillow fight with the wall
13) Hug a teddy bear
14) Read a book
15) Blast your music, headphones or not
16) Run outside and lay in the grass
17) Drum on a table
18) Spin in circles
19) Watch your favorite music video
20) Google something to make you laugh
21) Draw a fake tattoo
22) Color with crayons
23) Paint your nails
24) Brush your hair 100 times
25) Put a band-aid where you want to cut instead
26) Take a hot shower
27) Curl up in a blanket
28) Scribble on a piece of paper
29) Take a nap
30) Write a letter to someone
31) Scream or sing really loud
32) Drive away
33) Crush a plastic cup
34) Make your bed
35) Kick a rock down the street
36) Go for a long walk
37) Google beautiful pictures
38) Take random pictures: flowers, pets, clouds, etc.
39) Pray
40) Find shapes in the clouds
41) Talk to someone you haven’t seen in a while
42) Count the days until Christmas or your birthday
43) Hug someone unexpected
44) Play with a hula hoop
45) Put a dozen bead necklaces on and listen to them rattle
46) Listen to bands that no one knows
47) Bake something
48) Find your favorite youtube video, and keep clicking replay
49) Get on Tumblr
50) Plan a made up wedding
51) Draw a butterfly or a heart on your wrist
52) Write a remember when on someone’s Facebook wall
53) Cut pictures out of a magazine
54) Write a story
55) Buy a slinky or an etch-a-sketch
56) Go outside and grab every pretty rock you find
57) Look for a four-leaf clover
58) Make a wish on a dandelion
59) Pretend that airplanes are shooting stars
60) Play on a swingset
61) Go down a slide
62) Make a flag and watch it blow in the wind
63) Listen to birds sing
64) Lay down in tall grass where no one can see you
65) Slice your arm with a feather
66) Play pointless computer games
67) Google stuff about your favorite actors/bands
68) Write a song
69) Hum a happy tune
70) Write a “I love you because…” letter
71) Play guitar or piano, even if you don’t know how
72) Listen to an overly complicated piano song
73) Put on fake nails
74) Put on a cute outfit, then tear it off
75) Go shopping just to try stuff on
76) Make up a story about something random and insane
77) Make weird face in a mirror
78) Kick a soccer ball as hard as you can, then get lost trying to find it
79) Do a cartwheel/somersault
80) Fly a kite
81) Walk around using baby steps
82) See how far you can jump with both legs together
83) Bury yourself in blankets and pillows
84) Build a fort
85) Have a snowball fight. When there isn’t any snow, throw grass or flowers at someone
86) Pick up leaves and throw them in the air
87) Make a card for someone
88) Make a time capsule
90) Dig a hole in the yard
91) Run around your house
92) Curl your hair
94) Hug a parent/sibling/pet
95) Lay down in the middle of the road
96) Sit on the floor of the kitchen and listen to music
97) Tell a lame joke
98) Draw pictures in the dirt
99) Think of baby names
100) Run sing and dance through the house until you can’t breathe anymore
101) Remember that, no matter what, YOU are beautiful and I love you

Quote of the Day

Whatever life throws at you, even if it hurts you, just be strong and fight through it. 
You got this keep it up

Monday, November 16, 2015

Quote of the Day

When you come to the end of you rope, tie a knot and hang on
~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
Have corage all you fighters


Hi everybody and welcome to ygtbo!
I think if you are visiting this page you're probably going through some tough times (to say the least) but this blog is to let you know that you're not alone.  I'm sure it may feel like that a times but your not alone in your battle. I hope you can find something helpful on this page.
Keep Fighting