
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Feel Better

Here's a list of things to help me feel better maybe they'll you feel better

  1. A shower, you don't have to wash your hair you can just stand there.
  2. A bath, bubbles might help you feel better
  3. Watching a funny t.v. show, I love watching New Girl or Psych
  4. Watching a kid movie, Despicable Me is my go to
  5. Exercising, you don't have to run 10 miles but a walk around the block sometimes helps
  6. A good book
  7. Sweat pants and a comfy t-shirt
  8. Ice cream
  9. Hanging out with a pet, I don't know what it is but dogs just make me happy
  10. Music
  11. Writing, spilling out feelings or writing a story either way works
  12. Taking a nap, the human equivalent of turning it off then back on again
  13. Talking to someone, it's not always crying on their shoulder sometimes it just talking about a book you read 
  14. Sitting outside or just getting out of the house can really help
  15. Sometimes stupid internet quizzes are a nice way to get your mind off things
Try making a list of things that make you feel better and try those things too.

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