
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

10 Things To Do If Your Suicidal

  1. Remember you won't feel like this forever. Think about this, you haven't felt like this since you were born so you won't feel like this forever. Emotions change.
  2. Go somewhere you feel safe, not just safe for other people but safe from yourself as well. If there's no where like that for you go to the hospital and check yourself in.
  3. Talk to someone about how you're feeling. If there's no one there in person you can contact the suicide prevention lifelines or talk someone online.
  4. Do something. Read, take a walk, run, call a friend, surf the web, or watch tv or a movie, just do something that's safe and will take your mind off how you're feeling right now.
  5. Get away from anything that you could hurt yourself with right now. If you don't have someone who can get rid of them, leave the house.
  6. Stay away from drugs and alcohol. These things can make things worse for you so just stay away.
  7. Write down a list of all the people or pets who you love or who love you. Write down your favorite things, foods, feelings, actions too.This will remind you of the reason you held on so long.
  8. Make a safety plan. It helps keep you safe when your feeling suicidal and keep you healthy when you are. Safety Plan link
  9. Give yourself some small goals. Like to go for a walk, clean your room, something like that, these things give you another reason
  10. Be patient with yourself. Recovery takes time, don't be mad at yourself because it's taking awhile be proud of yourself for still being alive despite everything going on. Get some help and being the path to recovery.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

10 Things

  1. Yes, the world really is a better place with you in it
  2. No, there isn't anyone who can replace you
  3. Yes, there are people who care about you
  4. No, you won't feel like this forever
  5. Yes, someone does need you
  6. No, you're not a waste of anything
  7. Yes, your life matters
  8. No, people won't be happy if you're gone
  9. Yes, you can get through this
  10. No, you're not alone
You're not alone and you never will be alone. There are people who are willing to listen, talk, and be there for you. If you don't have someone at school, work, or at home there's always call the hotlines or visit 7 Cups of Tea and they will be more than willing to talk to you. Stay strong. 

Monday, October 23, 2017


It's scary, maybe you feel like no one will understand or care. You might sit there for a few minutes trying to find the courage to even say the words "Can I talk to you?" or answer when someone asks you how you're doing. Then the words will come out, eventually, and you tell someone what's wrong, maybe they'll say "I'm sorry" or "What can or I do" or maybe they give you a hug. You'll stand up and feel lighter after getting whatever it was off your chest.
It may not go this way because things don't always work out the way we want them to. If it doesn't feel right to keep talking or you don't want to talk to that person again, that's okay you don't have to tell anyone anything you don't want to. You're going to face some instances where you're not comfortable talking to a person but know that not every person you talk to is going to be that way and there are people who want to listen and do care, so try it out.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Don't Give Up

"Do not give up, please don’t surrender, even if the cold burns, even if fear bites, even when the sun hides and the wind becomes silent, there is still fire in your soul, there is still life in your dreams."
~ Unknown 

Thursday, October 5, 2017


"Take a breath. You'll be okay. Even if you don't feel okay all the time."
Louis C. K.

Sunday, October 1, 2017