
Monday, October 23, 2017


It's scary, maybe you feel like no one will understand or care. You might sit there for a few minutes trying to find the courage to even say the words "Can I talk to you?" or answer when someone asks you how you're doing. Then the words will come out, eventually, and you tell someone what's wrong, maybe they'll say "I'm sorry" or "What can or I do" or maybe they give you a hug. You'll stand up and feel lighter after getting whatever it was off your chest.
It may not go this way because things don't always work out the way we want them to. If it doesn't feel right to keep talking or you don't want to talk to that person again, that's okay you don't have to tell anyone anything you don't want to. You're going to face some instances where you're not comfortable talking to a person but know that not every person you talk to is going to be that way and there are people who want to listen and do care, so try it out.

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