
Saturday, December 30, 2017


 "You're here now which means you can stay another day, you can stay the day after that and you can stay as long as you need to become your own success story."
~ Shraddha Shankar

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Turn Off Triggers

Whether it's self-harm, eating disorders, PTSD, or suicidal thoughts you need to do your best to avoid triggers. As soon as you feel yourself slipping into those thinking patterns stop the video, close the book, shut off social media I know that it's hard but you need to do what's best for you. If it is triggering turn it off.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Take a Breath

Image result for breathe gif

It may be finals week for you right now so...if you’re dealing with any anxiety breath (even if it’s not from finals breath)

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Go For a Walk

I know that exercise may be the last thing on your mind right now but, it might be exactly what you need right now. I'm not saying run a marathon or anything like that but a simple walk might help you clear your mind.  It also releases endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine which all can help you feel a little bit happier.

Monday, December 11, 2017


"I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness 

the astonishing light of your own being.”

― Hafiz of Shiraz

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Even if you feel alone you never will be alone. There are many people who care about you being alive they may not be in the same space as you but they are only a phone call away. If you don't have a person in your life who you feel like you can talk to call the Suicide Prevention Hotline 1(800)273-8255 in the U.S or one of the International Suicide Hotlines

Monday, November 20, 2017

9 Things

  1.  Your feelings are temporary they will pass
  2. Think of something you find funny 
  3. If you take medication make sure you've taken it today
  4. Think of your safe place or person go to them if you need to
  5. Listen to some music
  6. Think about the things you love to do and maybe do them
  7. You're not crazy other people have felt like this and are still here today
  8. Write about your feelings or anything
  9. Talk to someone about your feelings

Thursday, November 2, 2017


Try drinking a nice warm cup of your favorite tea or coffee it will warm you up inside and calm you down, at least a little bit (just make sure it's not too hot)

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

10 Things To Do If Your Suicidal

  1. Remember you won't feel like this forever. Think about this, you haven't felt like this since you were born so you won't feel like this forever. Emotions change.
  2. Go somewhere you feel safe, not just safe for other people but safe from yourself as well. If there's no where like that for you go to the hospital and check yourself in.
  3. Talk to someone about how you're feeling. If there's no one there in person you can contact the suicide prevention lifelines or talk someone online.
  4. Do something. Read, take a walk, run, call a friend, surf the web, or watch tv or a movie, just do something that's safe and will take your mind off how you're feeling right now.
  5. Get away from anything that you could hurt yourself with right now. If you don't have someone who can get rid of them, leave the house.
  6. Stay away from drugs and alcohol. These things can make things worse for you so just stay away.
  7. Write down a list of all the people or pets who you love or who love you. Write down your favorite things, foods, feelings, actions too.This will remind you of the reason you held on so long.
  8. Make a safety plan. It helps keep you safe when your feeling suicidal and keep you healthy when you are. Safety Plan link
  9. Give yourself some small goals. Like to go for a walk, clean your room, something like that, these things give you another reason
  10. Be patient with yourself. Recovery takes time, don't be mad at yourself because it's taking awhile be proud of yourself for still being alive despite everything going on. Get some help and being the path to recovery.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

10 Things

  1. Yes, the world really is a better place with you in it
  2. No, there isn't anyone who can replace you
  3. Yes, there are people who care about you
  4. No, you won't feel like this forever
  5. Yes, someone does need you
  6. No, you're not a waste of anything
  7. Yes, your life matters
  8. No, people won't be happy if you're gone
  9. Yes, you can get through this
  10. No, you're not alone
You're not alone and you never will be alone. There are people who are willing to listen, talk, and be there for you. If you don't have someone at school, work, or at home there's always call the hotlines or visit 7 Cups of Tea and they will be more than willing to talk to you. Stay strong. 

Monday, October 23, 2017


It's scary, maybe you feel like no one will understand or care. You might sit there for a few minutes trying to find the courage to even say the words "Can I talk to you?" or answer when someone asks you how you're doing. Then the words will come out, eventually, and you tell someone what's wrong, maybe they'll say "I'm sorry" or "What can or I do" or maybe they give you a hug. You'll stand up and feel lighter after getting whatever it was off your chest.
It may not go this way because things don't always work out the way we want them to. If it doesn't feel right to keep talking or you don't want to talk to that person again, that's okay you don't have to tell anyone anything you don't want to. You're going to face some instances where you're not comfortable talking to a person but know that not every person you talk to is going to be that way and there are people who want to listen and do care, so try it out.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Don't Give Up

"Do not give up, please don’t surrender, even if the cold burns, even if fear bites, even when the sun hides and the wind becomes silent, there is still fire in your soul, there is still life in your dreams."
~ Unknown 

Thursday, October 5, 2017


"Take a breath. You'll be okay. Even if you don't feel okay all the time."
Louis C. K.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

You Are Special

"So even when it gets hard in the depths of it, you must persevere. Please. Because you are important, you are amazing, you are incredible, you are beautiful, you are special. Once again I don't know if anyone has told you that today, yesterday or the week before. But you are SPECIAL. And I want you to BE ALIVE!"
~ Logic

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


This is a song might help you out of the darkness.
Rainbow by Kesha

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Hey You!

You're worth it and you're wonderful. You're going to make it through this and you're going to be okay again. You're amazing and you're needed here on Earth. You matter and you are important. Somebody cares about you, I care about you. I know you probably don't believe this right now but I promise that this is true and that you can survive this. You're so needed here.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Something that is helpful if you, like me, have a hard time talking about things, is writing. Write what's making you feel this way, what happened today, your favorite memory, a story, write anything. Writing can help you articulate feelings, find the cause of feelings, or just distract you from the world around you. Grab a pen, pencil, maker, crayon, and a piece of paper and let everything out.

Monday, September 4, 2017

An Amazing Song

The rapper Logic wrote a song called 1-800-273-8255 which is the number for the United States National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. The song is truly amazing and lives up to it's title. I can't post the song here but here's a link: Logic| 1-800-273-8255


Something I do to help get my mind off things is baking. It's not a complex dessert or anything it's literally chocolate chip cookies but it takes my mind off my mind and lets me focus on something simple and easy,  plus you get chocolate chip cookies.
Here's a recipe: Recipe

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

In Case No One Told You Today...

You're beautiful.
You're loved.
You're needed.
You're alive for a reason.
You're stronger than you think.
You're going to get through this.
I'm glad you're alive.
And don't ever give up!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

You're Not Alone

I know that you can feel completely alone and like no one can understand what you're going though. I know that no matter how many people say you're not alone, you still feel alone. One of the ways I help combat this feeling was to read books with characters who were also going through a struggle similar to mine. A book that helped me (that has a happy ending) is "It's Kind Of A Funny Story" by Ned Vizzini, it helped me understand that it's okay to get help and even to get help in the hospital. It's a good book written by someone who struggled with suicidal thoughts and depression and actually spent time in a psych unit. So if you feel completely alone and don't want to I would recommend this book. 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Here's the link to the ygtbo Tumblr page: You're Going To Be Ok
I just started it so there are not many posts but it might be an easier access point for you.
"and there will be a day when you can say you're okay and mean it"
~ Dodie Clark - secret for the mad

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The website "The Mighty" is a website where people share their experiences with mental health, disease, and disability. Reading those stories can help you feel less alone in your battle.
Here's a link:

Feel Better

Here's a list of things to help me feel better maybe they'll you feel better

  1. A shower, you don't have to wash your hair you can just stand there.
  2. A bath, bubbles might help you feel better
  3. Watching a funny t.v. show, I love watching New Girl or Psych
  4. Watching a kid movie, Despicable Me is my go to
  5. Exercising, you don't have to run 10 miles but a walk around the block sometimes helps
  6. A good book
  7. Sweat pants and a comfy t-shirt
  8. Ice cream
  9. Hanging out with a pet, I don't know what it is but dogs just make me happy
  10. Music
  11. Writing, spilling out feelings or writing a story either way works
  12. Taking a nap, the human equivalent of turning it off then back on again
  13. Talking to someone, it's not always crying on their shoulder sometimes it just talking about a book you read 
  14. Sitting outside or just getting out of the house can really help
  15. Sometimes stupid internet quizzes are a nice way to get your mind off things
Try making a list of things that make you feel better and try those things too.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

"Don't believe every worried thought you have. Worried thoughts are notoriously inaccurate."
~ Renee Jain

Monday, March 6, 2017

Book Quote

“We need never be hopeless because we can never be irreperably broken.” 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Book Quote

"Things to do today:
1) Breathe in
2) Breathe out."
~ Ned Vizzini, It's Kind Of a Funny Story

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Friday, March 3, 2017


You struggle...again and again. And then one day you triumph.
~ Kate Grace

A Poem

And things
Are not always

But even from rock bottom
I can still see the sky.

I can still see the stars.

~Michelle K.